In February Angela and Stuart took a trip
to Hawaii for their 25th anniversary.

The view from our first condo, on Oahu.

Banana tree.

The Dole Pineapple Plantation.

A big snail.

With our travel companions, Dave and Angele.

On the Jurassic Park film site.

They left the T-Rex behind!

Stuart and Dave at the Polynesian center.

Diamond Head crater.

A view of the Pacific from the top of Diamond Head.

I love the multicoloured bark on this tree.

The U.S.S. Missouri, World War II battleship

On the deck.

The U.S.S Bowfin, a World War II submarine.

The torpedo room of the Bowfin.

Angele and Angela making the sub dive.

A cutaway model of the Bowfin inside the museum.

On the bow of the Bowfin.

The view from our condo on the Big Island.

Dave and Angele at our condo.

On the beach across from our condo.

One of the views while touring around the big island.

You can just see Maui from here.

At the summit of Kilauea volcano.

A sea turtle on a black sand beach.

Waiting for our glass bottom boat ride.

There it is!

Akaka Falls. Twice as high as Niagara Falls.

On our submarine tour.

A shipwreck we saw on our submarine tour.

A female Monk seal and her baby.

Remember that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?….

Actually this is just a lava tube.

We snorkeled here.

Thirsty gecko.

A sea turtle on the beach by our condo.

Banyan tree.

Sunset in Kona
25 years! Looks like you two had a great time.
We sure did!