Laurie surreptitiously goes through Tim’s pockets while Nicky distracts him….
Stuart is serious about his selfies…..
Dad takes a brief nap..
Tim and Laurie enjoy their drinks….
Kara and Uncle James
Maureen’s turn holding Emily..
Julie, Bonnie and Tony..
Poor quality picture of some quality people….
Erin enjoys a break from Emily…
Now it’s Laurie’s turn…
The gracious hostess..
Stu, Mo, Ang and Rachel….
Tony, Nicky, Alivia and Ang..
Two Tims and a Laurie..
Bonus Pic – Rod & Linda’s gazebo at night…
Love the comments Rob, Two Tim’s and a Laurie eh? Love it.
Not sure who’s hand is in Tim’s pocket though, may not have been mine…
Stuart you really need to post those selfie pictures…..
A good time was had by all.