Dad’s 95th Birthday

IMG_1228Dad makes a little speech.

IMG_1235Lots of action in the kitchen

IMG_1240The band of brothers

IMG_1246All the sisters – minus one.

IMG_1190The gracious hosts, Rod & Linda

IMG_1220Tim and Beckett ham it up for the camera

IMG_1230Stuart gives us a nice smile.

IMG_1202Julie holds an unimpressed Theo.

IMG_1212Tiffany, Sheldon and Eva

IMG_1214Charles and Raymond discoursing at length.

IMG_1224Ang beams for the camera.

IMG_1215Nikki with 2 of her girls – Kara and Alivia.

IMG_1204Maureen holds a slightly disgruntled Theo.

IMG_1229Linda and Erin.

IMG_1207Tony and Shiloh

IMG_1213Dad and Joanne

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One Response to Dad’s 95th Birthday

  1. Laurie Loewen says:

    Beautiful photo’s from dads 95th, I am so happy to finally see these. THanks Stuart and Robert.

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